Working with David Cui (Zuizin) on EyeSpy for macOS

Lately I've been working on various projects with several new #freelance #iOS#Swift #mobileapp developers, including David Cui (Zuizin).

David is helping us update the illumineX, inc. cartoon-eyes toy, EyeSpy (for macOS), which we've been ignoring for a few years.

David is enthusiastic, professional, and effective. He's the type of developer who likes to leave a campsite cleaner than he found it.

While doing routine maintenance on the product (updating it for Swift 5 and Xcode 11.5) he noticed there was a tiny bit of test code accidentally left in the product for years, and causing a little glitch. He brought it to our immediate attention, and fixed it.

David also cleaned up and modernized our In-App Purchase system, which hadn't had any attention for a few years. It turns out that even though our IAP store had been working in sandbox testing in the lab, it had been failing silently about 1/3 of the time in production. Doh!

The IAP system in EyeSpy is a well-oiled machine, now, thanks to David's attention to detail and thoughtful approach to what was originally thought to be a routine maintenance project.

I enjoy working with David and recommend him very highly to any iOS team.


Cartoon Lemon with Googly Eyes, from EyeSpy for macOS